Zip and Unzip for OS/2

The Info-zip programs, zip and unzip, are fabulously useful on OS/2. I use them for backup and restore of the OS/2 boot volumes. A lot of OS/2 software is distributed in the form of zip files. It's hard to live without zip and unzip.

Current versions

The current versions of Zip and Unzip support files and archives larger than 2 GB. Zip and unzip can be installed by RPM/YUM, the Arca Noae Package Manager, or by downloading the zip files from the links below.

The latest version, as of February, 2019, of Zip 3 can be downloaded from the Netlabs site as listed below. This has been built by bitwise, and is freely downloadable.

Zip 3 binary distribution

The latest version, as of February 2019, of Unzip 6 can be downloaded from the Netlabs site as listed below. This has been built by bitwise, and is freely downloadable.

Unzip 6 binary distribution

Previous versions

The previous versions of Zip and Unzip are limited to files and archives no larger than 2 GB.

Alex Taylor's build of Unzip 5.52 with unshrink support can be downloaded from his own website (or from Hobbes).

Unzip 5.52 binary distribution

Martin Iturbide's build of Zip 2.32 can be downloaded from Hobbes.

Zip 2.32 binary distribution

Last Modified: 12 Mar 2019
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2019 by Blonde Guy