This is a new desktop computer with eComStation 2.2 installed and configured. Sound, USB and wired network work. The display hardware is supported by Panorama. Lots of useful OS/2 software is installed.
The Suntan Special Advantage
Hambopeep comes with Suntan Special. I use Suntan Special to install the software on all Blonde Guy computers. Suntan Special software can be used to install all updates to the system and its applications and to install additional applications. When newer versions of software are released, Suntan Special can keep your Blonde Guy computer up to date.
This computer has one 500 GB hard disk. The 4 GB RAM is the maximum that eComStation can use.
The USB 2.0 ports support keyboards, mice, scanners, thumb drives, cameras, MP3 players, external hard drives, floppies and CD Writers.
The DVD writer can read and write dual-layer DVD media with an 8.4 GB capacity.
Connectors for sound and USB are provided on both the front and the rear of the computer for convenience.
Although 4 GB RAM is installed, the computer will only recognize 3 GB due to hardware limitations.
Not Included
None of the following items are included: monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, ethernet cable, printer cable, USB cable.
Blonde Guy computers run the eComStation 2.2 GA release.
Suntan Special is included with each computer. All applications that are pre-installed by Blonde Guy can be kept up to date using Suntan Special. The following table lists the applications that have been added.
Contents | Description |
Suntan Special
Keyword: suntan Website: www.blondeguy.com Category: Application |
This command installs Suntan Special version 0.63. The install is unattended.
Blonde Guy utilities
Keyword: utils Category: Application |
This command installs Blonde Guy utilities. The Config.Sys is changed to put the utilities on the path. The libpath is cleared of unwanted copies of unzip32.dll A reboot is needed after the installation completes.
InnoTek Font Runtime
Keyword: InnotekRuntime Category: Application |
This command installs the Innotek Runtime, 1.12 The installation is unattended.
Keyword: usbcfg Category: Application |
This command installs the eComStation USB configuration applet, USBcfg, written by Peter Brown. An icon is created in the setup folder. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: eCS-MT Website: www.ecomstation.com Category: Application |
This command installs Chuck McKinnis' eCS Maintenance Tool. The installation is an unattended WarpIN installation if the WarpIN tool is present. The eCS MT version is rc 1
Keyword: wget Category: Application |
This command installs WGet. A copy of WGet is placed in the utilities directory. An Icon for the WGet manual is created. a .wgetrc is created in the home directory to make wget emulate an OS/2 browser's user agent string.
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Acrobat Reader
Keyword: acrobat5 Category: Application |
Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2, version 5.1, is an abandoned beta of the product from Innotek. It works quite well, and can open some Acrobat documents. The installation is unattended. The browser plugin is installed into Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox.
Keyword: oo Category: Application |
This command installs oo, a command line utility to manipulate Workplace Shell Objects, to the utilities directory. oo is written by Rich Walsh.
Keyword: run Category: Application |
This command installs Run! version 0.80 to the utility directory. Run is a utility to set the environment before running an application. Rich Walsh is the author of Run! The install of Run! is unattended.
Keyword: GhostScript Website: www.cs.wisc.edu Category: Application |
This command installs GhostScript and GSView using the installer that comes with GSView. GhostScript is version 9.04. GSView is version 4.9. GhostScript is ported by Paul Smedley. An file containing the fonts taken from an earlier version of GhostScript is installed to a fonts directory below the installation directory. You can print directly to an OS/2 printer (without converting to PDF) by specifying 'os2prn' as the driver, then selecting the desired printer queue. The installation is manual, and the suggested directory needs to be changed by the user.
Core Web Fonts
Keyword: webfonts Website: corefonts.sourceforge.net Category: Application |
This command installs the Core Web Fonts, and Alex Taylor's workplace sans, workplace sans bold, warpsans extended, almost vio and almost swiss fonts. This command will install all TTF files in the setup directory. You can add your own fonts for automatic installation. The command is automated. A reboot is necessary before using the fonts.
Firefox 3.5.4
Keyword: Firefox354 Category: Application |
This command installs Firefox 3.5.4, an official build of the OS/2 open source browser. This is the last version of Firefox that can run Java applets. The icon will be configure to use a new profile. If an old copy of Firefox35 is found, then it's installation directory is renamed to Firefox35.old. If MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH is not defined, then plugins are copied from the old Firefox installation to the new one. A program object is created with a nice icon. If run! is installed, Firefox!.exe is created. If Mozilla Home is defined in Suntan Special settings, then it is set in config.sys. Firefox is executed once to initialize its profile and to perform automatic updates.
Firefox 10.0.12
Keyword: Firefox10 Website: www.mozilla.org Category: Application |
This command installs Firefox v10, an official build of the OS/2 open source browser. If an old copy of Firefox10 is found, then it's installation directory is renamed to Firefox10.old. If MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH is not defined, then plugins are copied from the old Firefox installation to the new one. A program object is created with a nice icon. If run! is installed, Firefox!.exe is created. If Mozilla Home is defined in Suntan Special settings, then it is set in config.sys. Firefox is executed once to initialize its profile and to perform automatic updates.
SeaMonkey 2.10.12
Keyword: SeaMonkey2 Website: www.mozilla.org Category: Application |
This command installs the unofficial version of SeaMonkey 2.10.11, the OS/2 open source browser. The browser will identify itself as SeaMonkey 2.7.2, but internally it is 2.10.12 with the older Gecko 10 engine. If an old copy of SeaMonkey is found, then it's installation directory is renamed to SeaMonkey.old. If MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH is not defined, then pIugins are copied from the old SeaMonkey installation to the new one. If no previous SeaMonkey, then plug-ins are copied from Mozilla. If no Mozilla, then plugins are copied from Netscape. A program folder object is created with browser, mail and profile manager objects with a nice icon. If run! is installed, SeaMonkey!.exe is created. If Mozilla Home is defined in Suntan Special settings, then it is set in config.sys. SeaMonkey requires libc (kLibc 0.6.5) to run.
Association Editor
Keyword: assocedit Category: Application |
The Association Editor, written by Henk Kelder, is a PM program that can display and edit the associations between objects and programs.
bluegriffon 1.1.1
Keyword: bluegriffon Website: www.bluegriffon.org Category: Application |
BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox 4, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
bootAble 6.9.1
Keyword: bootAble Website: www.xs4all.nl Category: Application |
This command installs bootAble 6.9.1, a program for creating bootable CD-ROM and DVD under OS/2 and eCS by Hayo Baan. The supporting files are also installed. A script, bootable.bg, with the paths needed for the supporting files, is created. If the SNAP graphics is available, can be used on the bootable CD. Invoke bootAble for the first time using "bootable bootable.bg"
Cameraderie v1.5
Keyword: cameraderie Category: Application |
This command installs Cameraderie v1.5, a digital camera application written by R. L. Walsh. Cameraderie v1.5 requires libc061.dll from netlabs. This install is unattended.
Keyword: clamav Website: remydodin.levillage.org Category: Application |
This command installs ClamAV 0.97.3 The installation is unattended. Libc 0.6.4 is also installed. Libc should be brought up to date after the installation completes. Both ClamAV and the ClamAV GUI 3.1.0 are installed. ClamAV is ported by Yuri Dario and Paul Smedley. ClamAV GUI was created by Remy Dodin.
Keyword: libc Category: Application |
This command installs Innotek LibC 0.5.1, a prerequisite for Mozilla 1.5 and above on OS/2. kLIBC 0.6.5 is also installed. The installation is unattended. If DLLs are replaced, then a reboot is recommended since any running program will still have the old DLL. kLIBC has redirectors to the following: libc06.dll, libc061.dll, libc062.dll, libc063.dll, libc064.dll so those DLLs are replaced.
Keyword: cleanini Website: www.ca-arnold.de Category: Application |
This command installs the cleanini tool, written by Carsten Arnold.
Keyword: configtool Website: www.os2world.com Category: Application |
This command installs ConfigTool 1.30, a config.sys tool. Config Tool can edit the config.sys, and for each line, displays the documentation for that line from its database. After installation, the 2003-08-31 update is applied. The install is unattended.
DVDDAO 2.0.6
Keyword: dvddao Website: hobbes.nmsu.edu Category: Application |
This command installs DVDDAO 2.0.6, a program for ripping and burning DVD. DVDDAO was written by nickk. You must have a file system capable of supporting large files to work with DVD iso images. (Probably that means you need a JFS drive with at least 4.7 GB free) Two command files are provided as examples of how to rip (leach.cmd) and how to burn (burnme.cmd) DVD.
EA Browser
Keyword: eabrowse Category: Application |
This command installs the EA Browser by Henk Kelder. The EA browser is a PM program that can display and edit extended attributes.
Keyword: eatoolbox Website: hobbes.nmsu.edu Category: Application |
This command installs Herwig Bauernfeind's ea Toolbox This install is unattended.
eCALC 2.0
Keyword: ecalc Website: www.subsys.de Category: Application |
This command installs eCalc, a calculator written by Frank Wochatz. eCalc accepts Rexx expressions. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Keyword: embellish Category: Application |
This command installs Embellish, an image viewing and manipulation program. Embellish development ceased in 1997, and the program has been released as freeware. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: ePDF Website: www.subsys.de Category: Application |
This command installs ePDF version 2.99-2; PostScript to PDF conversion software. This software makes a printer that outputs PDF files. The author is Frank Wochatz, a talented OS/2 developer. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: file Category: Application |
This command installs Ian Darwin's file(1) command. The file command displays file type. The executable is copied to the utils directory, so no reboot is needed to use file. This version of file, though old, correctly identifies OS/2 components which newer versions of file seem to have forgotten. The install is unattended.
Keyword: filestar Website: jaread.net Category: Application |
This command installs filestar. FileStar/2 is an OS/2 PM file manager that makes file management fun! The installation is automated using WarpIN.
Keyword: ffmpeg Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs ffmpeg, a tool to convert video files from one format to another. ie .avi to mpg. ffmpeg has been ported by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. ffmpeg depends on libc061.dll which is installed by the libc application.
Keyword: ffmpegGUI Category: Application |
This command installs ffmpeg-gui, a program to convert multi-media files. The OS/2 port is maintained by Elbert Pol. The install is unattended. ffmpeg-gui depends on libc065.dll, QT4.7.3, gcclib452 and ffmpeg.
Keyword: ffplay Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs ffplay, a program to play videos. The OS/2 port of ffplay is maintained by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. ffplay depends on libc061.dll.
File Manager/2
Keyword: fm2 Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs File Manager/2 3.21 by Mark Kimes. FM/2 is a file manager. FM/2 is currently maintained by Steven H. Levine and Gregg Young.
Keyword: fotoget Website: members.aon.at Category: Driver |
FotoGet/2 is a utility to ease the transfer of pictures (and movies) between a digital camera and your OS/2 (eCS) PC. FotoGet/2 supports cameras with a USB Mass Storage interface.
Keyword: genini Website: www.pmoylan.org Category: Application |
This command installs genini, an ini file maintenance tool written by Peter Moylan. Many programs need a way to save their configuration data. (Window positions, program options, etc.) OS/2 uses INI files for this purposes. The INI file format is a binary file format that is efficient in terms of rapid access, but it is not human-readable. The present package provides a way of saving INI data in human-readable form. The DumpINI program converts a binary INI file into a corresponding plain-text form. The LoadINI program performs the reverse conversion: it translates human-readable data into the binary INI form.
Keyword: GetMyIP Website: www.warp-ecs-owl.de Category: Application |
GetMyIP prints the current IP on the screen. This is useful because it prints the external IP of a computer using NAT for its internet connection. The command file is copied to the utils directory.
Keyword: Gotcha Website: www.c2226.de Category: Application |
This command installs Gotcha! 1.78 by Thorsten Thielen. Gotcha! is a small (well not so small anymore ;-) utility for OS/2 which allows to easily capture windows, window interiors, parts of the screen or the whole desktop and save them to disk or clipboard as a picture.
Icon Tool
Keyword: icontool Category: Application |
This command installs the Icon Tool by Henk Kelder. The Icon Tool is a PM program that can assign icons to objects. Icon Tool can also see hidden objects and delete undeletable objects. This is version 1.92
Keyword: imagemagick Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs ImageMagick 6.7.4. ImageMagick is a picture manipulation program. ImageMagick was ported by Paul Smedley. The install is unattended.
Keyword: inprotrack Website: www.s.netic.de Category: Application |
This command installs InProTrack, by Kai Evers, a tool for displaying the level of the installed software on an OS/2 system. The install is unattended. A program object is created.
Internet Application Integration utility
Keyword: internetai Website: sites.google.com Category: Application |
The Internet Application Integration (IAI) utility is designed to coordinate your web browser, email clinet and other internet applications. IAI is by Charles H. McKinnis.
Java JDK 1.3.1
Keyword: jdk_131 Category: Extra Application |
This command performs an unattended installation of the IBM Java Developers Kit version 1.3.1. Both the Runtime and the Toolkit are installed.
K Movie Player
Keyword: kmp Category: Application |
This command installs K Movie Player 0.7.2, a program, based on FFplay, to play videos. The OS/2 port of kmp is maintained by KO Myung-Hun. kmp is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. kmp depends on libc064.dll.
Keyword: krypto Website: krypto.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs krypto to the utility directory. Krypto provides strong file encryption using the Frog cipher. Krypto was ported by Daniel de Kok. The install is unattended.
Keyword: LBMix Website: users.podolsk.ru Category: Application |
This command installs LBMix. LBMix was written by Lesha Bogdanow. PipeMix by the same author is also installed. The installation is unattended.
LED Panel Font
Keyword: ledpanel Category: Application |
This command installs the LED Panel Font, which was created by Herwig Bauernfeind. The command is automated.
Keyword: lightweight2 Website: qt-apps.org Category: Application |
This command installs Lightweight2 0.11.0b, a lightweight web browser based on Qt and WebKit. This install is unattended. Prerequisites are Qt 4, gcc444 and libc.
Keyword: loaddf Category: Application |
This command installs both loaddskf and savedskf in the utility directory. The installation is unattended.
Keyword: MP3Diags Category: Application |
This command installs MP3diags, A Qt GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files.
Keyword: MrMessage Website: mamodeo.dyndns.org Category: Application |
This command installs Mr Message. Mr Message is an AIM/ICQ client program written my Marty Amodeo. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: NightVision Website: home.comcast.net Category: Application |
This command installs NightVision, a "planetarium" program for OS/2 written by Brian Simpson.
Keyword: NISTime Category: Application |
This command installs NISTime, by Pieter Bras. NISTIME is a TCP/IP application which queries NIST Internet time servers using the SNTP (RFC 2030) or Daytime (RFC 867) services and optionally adjusts the OS/2 system clock..
Keyword: numlock Category: Application |
This command installs numlock to the utilities directory. numlock is a utility for setting the state of the numlock key. The installation is unattended.
Object REXX Information
Keyword: orexxbook Category: Application |
This command creates an icon for Object REXX Information. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: pci Category: Application |
This command installs PCI, a program to scan the PCI bus and report on the cards found. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
PM123 v1.35
Keyword: pm123 Website: glass.ptv.ru Category: Application |
This command installs PM123 v1.35. PM123 is an excellent open source PM based digital audio player for OS/2. It is capable of playing MP3's, WAV-files, Ogg Vorbis audio files, and audio CDs. PM123 supports audio streaming, plugins, skins, visualization and more! There is also excellent documentation in .INF format. Originally developed by Samuel Audet and Taneli Leppa, it is now being developed by Dmitry Steklenev. Credit is also given to Marcel Muller for several fixes, and new features. This latest version includes MANY new features, fixes, and improvements over version 1.31, and previous 1.32 betas. One GREAT improvement is (FINALLY) support for ID3v2 tags. The first & only OS/2 player to have it. See the history file for further details.
PM Camera
Keyword: pmcamera Category: Application |
This command installs PM Camera. The install is unattended.
Keyword: pmformat Category: Application |
This command installs the new PMFormat. This is experimental code. It replaces OS/2 components. The install is unattended.
Keyword: pmvnc Website: www.blondeguy.com Category: Application |
This command installs PMVNC, an OS/2 implementation of VNC. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a desktop sharing system which uses the RFB (Remote FrameBuffer) protocol to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard presses and mouse clicks from one computer to another relaying the screen updates back in the other direction, over a network. Both the Client, by Akira and the Server, by ErOS2, are installed. The client has been recompiled by Michael Greene using OpenWatcom C. The install is unattended. The command creates program folders and icons.
Keyword: pmwipe Category: Application |
This command installs PMWipe. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
PowerPoint Viewer
Keyword: PowerPointViewer Category: Application |
This command installs Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. This viewer is freely available on the Microsoft Website. Also included are some extra items to allow the viewer to run on OS/2 Odin is required to run PowerPoint Viewer.
Keyword: pronews Category: Application |
This command installs ProNews v1.60, a usenet client. ProNews used to be shareware, but is now maintained as donationware. The installation is attended, and you're advised to change the installation directory from it's default in the root of the C: drive.
Keyword: ptpro Category: Application |
This command installs PTPro 1.10. PTPro is a camera support program. PTPro was ported by Rich Walsh. PTPro is a command-line program for retrieving pictures & information from your PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) based digital camera. With PTPro, you can rename & renumber your photos and thumbnails as you save them, view extended info about your pictures (e.g. size in pixels), and of course, erase them. PTPro can also show you info about your camera: the formats it uses, its storage capacity, etc. The install is unattended.
Keyword: QBittorrent Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs QBittorrent. QT4 is a prerequisite.
Keyword: qupzilla Category: Application |
This command installs Qupzilla, a new and one of many Qt WebKit Browsers. The QT4 framework version 4.7, libc and gcclib446 are prerequisite. If libqt4-webkit is not installed, yum is automatically called to install it. Qupzilla now depends on 7z. eCS already has 7z.
Keyword: rdesktop Website: glebk.newmail.ru Category: Application |
This command installs rdesktop, a remote control application used mostly with Microsoft Windows servers. The product web page is in Russian, and gives the author's name as Lenya. So thanks, Lenya, this is working well for me on a Windows 2003 server and eCS host. The installation is unattended and makes a program object that prompts for the server name and the user name.
Rexx Autostart
Keyword: rexxautostart Website: 7cities.net Category: Application |
Rexx Autostart is a workaround for timing problems that lead to a WPS hang on startup. Rexx Autostart is by Herwig Bauernfeind and Charles H. McKinnis.
Keyword: rsync Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
rsync is an open source utility that provides fast incremental file transfer. rsync is freely available under the GNU General Public License version 2 and is currently being maintained by Wayne Davison. The OS/2 port is maintained by Paul Smedley and Steven Levine. The rsync website can be found at: http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/. This install is unattended. If an existing installation is found, it is backed up to rsync.old. Examples for using rsync to mirror disk directories are included. Rsync depends on LIBC 0.6.5
Keyword: Scribus Website: wiki.scribus.net Category: Application |
This command installs Scribus 1.4.2. Scribus is an Open Source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4/eComStation and Windows desktops with a combination of "press-ready" output and new approaches to page layout. Underneath the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, Spot Colors, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation. Scribus is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. Scribus depends on libc065.dll, Ghostscript, Python 2.7 GCCLIB446 and QT4.7.3
Keyword: shorten Category: Application |
This command installs the shorten tool.
Keyword: smartmon Category: Application |
This command installs the SmartMon, an OS/2-based S.M.A.R.T. monitor written by Andrew Belov. It is a VIO program that can display and monitor hard disk status.
Keyword: sox Website: sox.sourceforge.net Category: Application |
This command installs sox. Sox stands for Sound eXchange and it is a universal sound sample translator. A copy of sox is placed in the utility directory. The sox port is maintained by Mentore Siesto libc is a prerequisite for sox.
Keyword: sysbench Website: www.os2warp.org Category: Application |
This command installs Sysbench 0.9.5c by Trevor Hemsley. Sysbench is a comprehensive benchmarking program for OS/2. The command installs Sysbench and creates a program object for it. The install is unattended.
System Information
Keyword: systeminfo Category: Application |
This command installs SystemInfo, a clone of the Norton SystemInfo for Windows originally by Alexey S. Smirnof, and continued by Yuri Prokushev. This installation is unattended.
Keyword: tame Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs Tame/2. Tame/2 provides easy scanner access. Tame/2 includes SANE, Scanner Access Now Easy. Tame/2 requires MMOS/2, REXX and emx. Tame/2 has been ported by Paul Smedley.
Keyword: tcpconfig Category: Application |
This command installs TCPConfig by Reinhard Berger.
Thunderbird 10.0.12
Keyword: thunderbird Website: www.mozilla.org Category: Application |
This command installs Thunderbird 10.0.12, the OS/2 open source e-mail client. If an older Thunderbird directory is found, it will be renamed to Thunderbird.old. If Run! has been installed, it will be used to create a Thunderbird icon that can be run concurrently with the Firefox web browser. LibC 0.6.5 (libc) must be installed to run Thunderbird.
Keyword: Timidity Website: users.socis.ca Category: Application |
This command installs TiMidity++ version 2.13.2. The installation is unattended, and creates two icons in the multimedia folder. TiMidity++ version 2.13.2 is a port of the last released version available from the TiMidity++ website. The highly recommended EAWPatches collection of voice sample files (28 MB) is also installed.
Keyword: tyra Website: www.teamos2hamburg.de Category: Application |
This command installs Tyra/2 version 1.91, a config.sys tool. Tyra/2 is now freeware, and a registration key is included.
UnArj archiver
Keyword: unarj Category: Application |
This command installs the unarj tool.
Keyword: vfat2ea Category: Application |
This command installs vfat2ea, a command line program for converting VFAT longnames to extended attributes and back. vfat2ea was written by Doodle. The install of vfat2ea is unattended.
VLC media player
Keyword: vlc Website: www.videolan.org Category: Application |
This command installs VLC media player 2.0.6, ported to OS/2 by KO Myung-Hun. VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols. QT 4.7 and libc are prerequisite. VLC will be added to the LIBPATH, so a reboot is required. To get sound, I select K Audio interface audio output and DART. To get video under Panorama, I select Video Mode=DIVE. To get video under SNAP, I select Video Mode=SNAP.
WarpCalc 2.0
Keyword: warpcalc Website: http: Category: Application |
This command installs WarpCalc 2.0, a calculator written by Carl-Magnus Olsson. WarpCalc is a calculator package with both CLI and GUI versions. The two versions share the same core capabilities, which include those of any regular scientific calculator. In addition you can define your own functions and variables. This install is unattended, and it creates a program object.
Keyword: warpoverlay Category: Application |
This command installs and/or uninstalls WarpOverlay, by Valery Gaynullin. WarpOverlay is free software.
Keyword: warpvision Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs WarpVision The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: wavecut Website: www.subsys.de Category: Application |
This command installs wavecut.
Keyword: whois Category: Application |
This command installs the whois 4.7.30, a port of Marco d'Itri's great WHOIS tool by Ian Manners. The install is unattended.
Keyword: wptools Category: Application |
This command installs WPTools by Henk Kelder. WPTools is now abandonware. It was a collection of programs to manipulate the workplace shell. A WPTools folder with program objects for the WPTools programs is created. Two command line programs, defassoc.exe and getobj.exe, are copied to the utility directory. Defassoc manipulates associations, and getobj displays the properties of an object.
Keyword: xtide Website: www.flaterco.com Category: Application |
This command installs XTide, a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide variety of formats. Thanks to Dale DePriest for this port which requires emx. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: z Website: www.dink.org Category: Application |
This command installs z!, an abandonware MP3 player by Dink
Keyword: zoc Category: Application |
This command installs Zap-O-Com v4.15 a terminal emulator. The installation is attended, and you're advised to change the installation directory from it's default in the root of the C: drive.
Keyword: bzip2 Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs bzip2. Bzip2 is a compress/decompress program. The executable is copied to the utils directory, so no reboot is needed to use bzip2. This program, bzip2, the associated library libbzip2 (libbz2 on OS/2), and all documentation, are copyright ¸ 1996-2005 Julian Seward. All rights reserved. Prerequisites are LIBC and GCC445. The install is unattended.
Flash 11
Keyword: Flash11 Category: Extra Application |
This command installs release 0.4.1 GA of the Flash 11 plugin for eCS. The prerequisites are Odin 0.8.8 or later. Odin has prerequisites of gcc4core and libc. The installation file is not included in Suntan Special and may be downloaded from the eCS beta-zone.
Keyword: jtzu Website: www.ecomstation.com Category: fixpak |
This command updates the timezone code for IBM Java 1.3.1 to reflect 2007 changes to Daylight Saving Time.
Keyword: mplayer Category: Application |
This command installs mplayer, a program to play videos. The OS/2 port of mplayer is maintained by KO Myung-Hun. SMPlayer is installed and a program object is created. The install is unattended. SMPlayer and mplayer depend on libc065.dll. SMPlayer depends on QT4.7.3, gcclib446 and gcc4core 1.2.1.
DFSee 11.5
Keyword: dfsee Website: www.dfsee.com Category: Application |
This command installs DFSee. DFSee is a generic disk, partition and filesystem utility for maintenance and data-recovery. It supports partition tables (FDISK, LVM), FAT, FAT32, HPFS, NTFS, and partly JFS, EXT2/3 or REISER filesystems. DFSee is commercial software which requires a license key for continued use. This command was contributed by Bart Bremmers. This install is automated using WarpIN.
NetDrive SMB plugin for OS/2
Keyword: ndpsmb Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs the SMB plugin for NetDrive for OS/2. The install is unattended. The installation will update eCS SMB support if found and also NetDrive support if found.
OpenOffice.org 3.20
Keyword: OpenOffice320 Website: www.ecomstation.com Category: Extra Application |
OpenOffice.org 3.20 by Serenity Systems. Installs the English version. If you have a support agreement for OpenOffice.org, you may download the installation files from Mensys. The prerequisites for OpenOffice.org 3.20 are UniClip, LibC 0.6.3, the Innotek Font Engine, the Workplace Sans TrueType font and WarpIN 1.0.18 or higher. The environment variable User is tested and if absent, it is set in Config.Sys. OpenOffice 3.11 must be removed before installing OpenOffice 3.20.
PMMail 3.11
Keyword: pmmail Website: pmmail.os2voice.org Category: Application |
This command installs PMMail 3.11. PMMail requires LibC. The installation will pop up a dialog box for migration which can be ignored by pressing the Done button. You can migrate later by using the Migration icon in the product folder.
Keyword: pmview Website: www.pmview.com Category: Extra Application |
This command installs PMView 2000, version 2.32. PMView is a versatile and fast image viewer and converter. The current version is PMView Pro, version 3.70.
Stellar Frontier
Keyword: StellarFrontier Website: www.stardock.com Category: Game |
This command installs Stellar Frontier 1.10, a space-based, multi-player internet shoot-em-up game. Stellar Frontier is the last OS/2 game from StarDock eComStation users have a license for the Admiral's Club.
SDL/2 Games
Keyword: sdl2games Website: sdl.netlabs.org Category: Game |
This command installs the SDL games from NetLabs.
Keyword: AlienBlaster Website: www.smedley.info Category: Game |
This command installs AlienBlaster, ported by Paul Smedley. Alien Blaster Your mission is simple: stop the invasion of the aliens and blast them!
Keyword: BoulderDash Website: www.subsys.de Category: Game |
This command installs BoulderDash, a game written by Frank Wochatz. The installation is unattended using WarpIN.
Dave Gnukem
Keyword: DaveGnukem Website: gnukem.sourceforge.net Category: Game |
This command installs Dave Gnukem, ported by Andreas Peters. Dave Gnukem is a "Duke Nukem I" clone. Your mission is, to stop Dr. ???. He want ruling the world with his army.
Keyword: Drift Category: Game |
This command installs Drift. DRIFT For OS/2 Version 1.02 beta (1995-Apr-26) with source code. Its an Asteroids kind of game. Now released Open Source under the GNU GPL license by its author. The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Keyword: lines Website: dvalot.free.fr Category: Game |
This command installs Lines 1.21, a tile game. Lines is an OS/2 game by Daniel F. Valot. Mr. Valot may be reached at dvalot@free.fr
Keyword: mars Website: en.ecomstation.ru Category: Game |
This command installs Mars, an old-fashioned arcade game from the sNOa Game Pack.
Keyword: multi Category: Game |
This command installs Sitting Multi for OS/2 PM, version 1.06. OS/2 Multi is a screen toy. OS/2 Multi is freeware written by Akira Hatakeyama. The command creates and icon that starts Multi in English.
Keyword: NetHack Website: www.nethack.org Category: Game |
This command installs Nethack. The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Keyword: OpenTTD Website: www.openttd.org Category: Game |
This command installs OpenTTD version 0.7.5, ported by Owen Rudge. The port is now maintained by Paul Smedley. OpenTTD is an open source clone of the popular DOS game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" using SDL. Note that the original game data files are currently required.
Keyword: Orange Category: Game |
This command installs Orange, a WinOS2 screen toy. Orange is freeware, also known as Screen Mate Mikan.
Keyword: PMGlobe Category: Game |
This command installs PMGlobe -- an OS/2 Presentation Manager Globe. PMGlobe is freeware, and is the work of Mike Cowlishaw, IBM UK Laboratories. PMGlobe is programmable in REXX; documentation is in the file PMGLOBEX.DOC.
Keyword: PMMine Website: en.ecomstation.ru Category: Game |
This command installs PMMine, a Minesweeper clone
Keyword: QSoloCards Category: Game |
This command installs QSoloCards. The QT4 framework, libc and gcc4core are prerequisite.
Keyword: qt4fun Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Game |
This command installs QT4Fun, an collection of games that use the QT4 framework. The QT4 framework is a prerequisite, as are LibC 0.6.5 and GCC lib 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.5.2.
Keyword: RocksnDiamonds Website: www.artsoft.org Category: Game |
This command installs Rocks'n'Diamonds, ported by Paul Smedley. This new version finally finishes the new, native game engine to play original Emerald Mine and Emerald Mine Club levels exactly like in the original Amiga games.
Keyword: roids Category: Game |
This command installs Roids version 2.3, a space-based shoot-em up game loosely based on Asteroids. Roids was later released as Havoc by StarDock in their OS/2 essentials package.
Roids is abandonware by Leonard Guy. I wish you luck contacting
the author,
Mr. Romy
Keyword: romy Category: Game |
This command installs Mr. Romy watches You, a screen toy. Mr. Romy is GPL and comes with source code.
Same for PM
Keyword: Same Website: dvalot.free.fr Category: Shareware Game |
This command installs PM Same, a tile game. PM Same is freeware by Daniel F. Valot. Mr. Valot may be reached at dvalot@free.fr
Seahaven Towers
Keyword: SeaHaven Website: www.ccs.neu.edu Category: Game |
This command installs SeaHaven Towers 3.01, a card game. SeaHaven Towers is freeware by J Daniel Kulp. Mr Kulp is also involved in the writing and maintenance of the Mesa spreadsheet. Mr. Kulp may be reached at dan@kulp.com
Keyword: Sheep Category: Game |
This command installs Sheep, a WinOS2 screen toy. Sheep is freeware, also known as Screen Mate.
Keyword: SlashEM Category: Game |
This command installs Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic,
also known as SlashEM. The OS/2 port of SlashEM 0.0.6e4f7 is by Pekka Rousu
The install is unattended. A program Icon is placed in the games folder.
Keyword: sunnypills Website: www.ecomstation.ru Category: Game |
This command installs SunnyPills, an old-fashioned arcade game
Keyword: TDGammon Category: Game |
This command installs OS/2 Backgammon, version 1.0, also known as TD-Gammon. TD-Gammon is a world-famous computer program based on research in Artificial Neural Network technology, TD-Gammon taught itself to play backgammon, starting from scratch. The neural network used in this game is described in G. Tesauro, "Temporal Difference Learning and TD-Gammon," Communications of the ACM, volume 38, No. 3, pp. 58-68 (March 1995) TD-Gammon was released as part of the IBM Family Fun Pak.
Artistic Style
Keyword: astyle Website: astyle.sourceforge.net Category: Application |
This command installs Artistic Style, a source code beautifier ported to OS/2 by Galen Henderson. The installation is unattended.
OS/2 Books and Documentation
Keyword: Books Category: Application |
This command creates an OS/2 books directory, and populates it with the icons of quite a few OS/2 information files.
OS/2 Device Driver Kit
Keyword: ddk Website: www.ibm.com Category: Extra Application |
This command installs the OS/2 Device Driver Toolkit. The installation is unattended. The installation creates a folder with icons for all of the documentation that comes with the toolkit. Thanks to Timur Tabi who posted the correct heirarchy for the toolkit files. IBM has withdrawn the Device Driver Toolkit. Should you find a copy, use this command to install it. There are 46 zip files to download which adds up to 113,886,285 bytes. You may download fewer files, and this command will create a partial toolkit from the files you download. Device Driver Kit files Display Device Drivers and Test Tools video.zip source code comvideo.zip build environment tools.zip build tools tcdisp.zip display test suite DBCS Device Drivers dcbs.zip source code comdcbs.zip build environment tools.zip build tools PC Card CARDBUS Device Drivers pccard.zip source code Printer Device Drivers and Test Tools print.zip source code comprint.zip build environment wpshell.zip WPSHell source comwpsh.zip WPShell build environment tools.zip build tools tcprt.zip printer test suite Storage Device Drivers and Test Tools dasd.zip dasd code cdrom.zip cdrom source code combase.zip build environment tools.zip build tools tcstor.zip storage test suite Input/Output Device Drivers and Test Tools inout.zip source code tcio.zip wheel mouse source code combase.zip build environment tools.zip build tools tcio.zip input/output test suite Multimedia Device Drivers and Test Tools mmpmpd.zip source code combase.zip build environment tools.zip build tools tcmm.zip multimedia test suite tcmmdata.zip multimedia test data Multimedia Audio Stream Handler / Video Capture VSD Source Sample MPEG Playback Application Source mmpmetc.zip source code commme.zip build environment tools.zip build tools tcmm.zip multimedia test suite tcmmdata.zip multimedia test data LAN Device Drivers and Test Tools ndiss.zip ndis specification nicsample.zip MAC sample wedge.zip wedge test tool ibmtool.zip IBMTool test tool nddk.zip NDIS device driver kit Device Driver Test Tool (DDTT) ddtt.zip source code tools.zip build tools tccomm.zip generic device driver test suite Microsoft Compiler/Assembler Build Tools masm60.zip Microsoft MASM 6.0 msc60.zip Microsoft C 6.0 DDK Documentation ZIP files alpbook.zip ALP Assembler Reference dispbook.zip Display Device Driver Reference gradbook.zip GRADD Device Driver Reference inbook.zip Input/Output Device Driver Reference mmpmbook.zip Multimedia Device Driver Reference ap2book.zip Multimedia Test Suite Documentation pddbook.zip Physical Device Driver Reference pdrbook.zip Presentation Device Driver Reference penbook.zip Pen for OS/2 Device Driver Reference prntbook.zip Printer Device Driver Reference dasdbook.zip Storage Device Driver Reference useddk.zip 'Using Your DDK' Build Instructions vddbook.zip Virtual Device Driver Reference
Dr Dialog
Keyword: drdialog Website: www.edm2.com Category: Application |
This command installs Dr Dialog, A "Visual Rexx" Rapid Application Development tool. Dr Dialog has been released as freeware by its author, David Morill. The controls by Chris Wohlgemuth are also installed. The installation is unattended, and creates a product folder.
EMX C++ compiler
Keyword: emx Category: Application |
This command installs the emx C++ compiler and associated libraries and documentation. An icon for the emx documentation is created. The command makes 15 changes to config.sys to support emx. The install is unattended. A reboot is required after the installation is complete.
Keyword: exceptq Category: Application |
This command installs exceptq-7.11-dll-shl-2013-03-28 With just 5 lines of code, developers can add Exceptq's comprehensive trap reporting facility to their apps. If the app encounters a fatal exception, Exceptq will generate a report containing: the call stack, disassembly of the faulting instructions, a stack dump, a listing of dlls loaded into the process, and more.. The install is unattended.
Keyword: fte Website: www.utopia-planitia.de Category: Application |
This command installs FTE, an editor.
Innotek GCC
Keyword: gcc Website: www.innotek.de Category: Application |
This command installs the Innotek GCC 3.3.5 CSD3 compiler and associated libraries and tools. The IBM linker is included.
GNU file utilites
Keyword: gnufutil Category: Application |
This command installs the GNU file utilties. This copy of the GNU file utilities for OS/2 has been compiled for OS/2 using the emx 0.9b development tools by Kai Uwe Rommel in 1998. This install is unattended.
Hexedit for OS/2
Keyword: hexedit Category: Application |
This command installs Hexedit for OS/2, a binary file editor written by Stefan Ruck.
Keyword: htext Category: Application |
HyperText/2 is a kind of preprocessor for plain text files with some few special commands, which allow you to generate OS/2 INF online document files. HyperText/2 creates IPF source files out of the HyperText/2 text files and then uses the IPF compiler to create the resulting INF file. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: HTMLTidy Website: www.w3.org Category: Application |
This command installs HTML Tidy. HTML Tidy can check (X)HTML code for compliance with several (X)HTML standards, correct a number of errors automatically, format the code for better readability according to the user's wishes, provide hints regarding accessability, convert between codepages, and convert bad code that is commonly generated by word processors when exporting to HTML. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
IBM Library Reader/2
Keyword: ibmlr Category: Application |
This command installs IBM Library Reader/2, version 1.2.1, a program to view documents in bookreader format. Installation is unattended.
Icon Plus
Keyword: iconplus Website: glass.ptv.ru Category: Application |
This command installs Icon Plus by Dmitry A.Steklenev. Icon PLus is a command line application for converting icons from Windows to OS/2 and from OS/2 1.2 to OS/2 2.0. Version 1.1.0 This install is unattended.
Java JDK 1.3.1 documentation
Keyword: jdk_docs Category: Application |
This command installs documentation for the JDK_131. This command is automated. The docs require JDK 1.3.0 or JDK 1.3.1 to be installed.
JimiProClasses runtime
Keyword: jimi Category: Application |
This command installs the Jimi Pro Classes. These classes, distributed by Sun Microsystems allow the creation of graphics files in Java programs The install is unattended. The JimiProClasses are added to the system classpath, so a reboot is needed.
Keyword: kdiff3 Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs KDiff3 0.9.95, a sophisticated tool for comparing and merging files and displaying differences. QT4 is a prerequisite.
Keyword: lsof Category: Application |
This command installs lsof, a program to list open files on OS/2 written by Galen Henderson. The installation copies the lsof executable to the util dir, and is unattended.
Keyword: lxlite Category: Application |
This command installs lxlite, a program to compress OS/2 executable files.
Keyword: med Website: www.utopia-planitia.de Category: Application |
This command installs Mr Ed, a programmers editor. Mr Ed (med) is shareware by Matthias Pfersdorff. The author requests a $25 payment if you find the product useful. This install is unattended, and config.sys is modified, so a reboot is necessary after the installation completes.
Netlabs EPM Distribution
Keyword: nepmd Website: nepmd.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs the Netlabs EPM Distribution, version 1.00.
NetRexx 2.05
Keyword: netrexx Website: www-01.ibm.com Category: Application |
This command installs NetRexx 2.05 by Mike Cowlishaw of IBM. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object. The config.sys is altered by this installation, so a reboot is needed. If the IBM Java 1.3.1 is available, then NetRexx support is added.
OpenWatcom C++ compiler
Keyword: OpenWatcom Website: www.openwatcom.org Category: Application |
This command installs the OpenWatcom C++ compiler version 1.9 and associated libraries and documentation. The command creates envwcc.cmd to set up the environment for a compiler command line session. Open Watcom 1.9 is not on the Suntan Special CD-ROM. According to the terms of the license, each user must download his own copy from the OpenWatcom website. Please support the OpenWatcom team with your generous donation.
OpenWatcom FORTRAN compiler
Keyword: OpenWatcomF77 Website: www.openwatcom.org Category: Application |
This command installs the OpenWatcom FORTRAN compiler version 1.9 and associated libraries and documentation. The command creates envf77.cmd to set up the environment for a compiler command line session. bgenvf77.cmd and bgide.cmd are created to run a command window and the ide with the appropriate environment without modifying config.sys. OpenWatcom FORTRAN 1.9 is not in the Suntan Special Distribution. According to the terms of the license, each user must download his own copy from the OpenWatcom website. Please support the OpenWatcom team with your generous donation.
Perl 5.10
Keyword: perl510 Category: Application |
This command installs Perl 5.10, ported by Paul Smedley. Perl is built with libc063 so libc063.dll is required - this can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/gcc/libc-0.6.3-csd3.zip Installation is unattended by WarpIN. The environment variable PERLLIB_PREFIX is set in Config.Sys.
Keyword: pmate Category: Application |
This command installs PMATE, the PM Automated Test Environment. PMATE is used to test PM programs. It can also automate programs which only have a PM interface. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
QT Creator
Keyword: qtcreator Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs QT4 Creator, a development app ported by Dmitry A. Kuminov and Silvan Scherrer. The installer installs QT Creator using RPM/YUM. The latest version and all dependencies are installed The installation is unattended.
Keyword: redbooks Category: Application |
This command creates a redbooks directory, and populates it with quite a few redbooks.
Keyword: rxu Category: Application |
This command installs RXU, a Rexx utility library by Dave Boll. The install is unattended.
InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java (SDK)
Keyword: sdk_142 Category: Application |
This command installs InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java, SDK version. Suntan Special will install and configure the product once you have downloaded it. The JavaPlug application can be used to configure the browser plugin. The setting java2Home sets the Java 2 home directory.
OpenJDK 6 SDK GA 5
Keyword: sdk_6 Website: svn.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs the OpenJDK 6 software development toolkit (SDK). Rexx command files, J6RE.CMD, to invoke the Java 6 runtime, and J6C.CMD to invoke the Java 6 compiler, are placed in the utilities directory. OpenJDK 6 is 1.6.0 Build 27 GA5. The command is automated. Prerequisites are LiberationFonts, libc, odin 0.8.9, xsystray 0.1.1 and gcc4core 1.2.1.
Keyword: tzupdater Website: www.ecomstation.com Category: fixpak |
This command updates the timezone code for Innotek Java 1.4.2 to reflect 2007 changes to Daylight Saving Time.
Keyword: spy Category: Application |
This command installs Spy, a program to display window messages and other interesting properties of an OS/2 system. It was written by Kurt Eckhardt of Microsoft in 1989. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
Keyword: SmartSVN Website: www.syntevo.com Category: Application |
This command installs SmartSVN 7.0.7, an innovative multi-platform client for Subversion, the designated successor of CVS. SmartSVN has powerful features like built-in File Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch handling. The command file to run SmartSVN is updated with a java option to allocate 512 MB heap memory, without which a large project like PMMail/2 will not work. The command creates a program objects for running under Java 6.00.
Keyword: SmartCVS Website: www.syntevo.com Category: Extra Application |
This command installs SmartCVS 7.1.7, an innovative multi-platform client for CVS. SmartCVS has powerful features like built-in File Compare/Merge, Change Report or Tag and Branch handling The command creates a program objects for running under GoldenCode Java 1.4.1, Innotek Java 1.4.2 and BitWise Java 6. The command will parse the version number out of the download file filename. It is not permitted to distribute the binary, so the user must download SmartCVS. The command will parse the version number from the download file filename. Installing newer versions of SmartCVS will likely work.
Subversion 1.6.12
Keyword: subversion Website: www.smedley.info Category: Application |
This command installs subversion 1.6.12, a version control system. Subversion requires libc063.dll from netlabs. Subversion has been ported by Paul Smedley. This install is unattended.
Theseus 4
Keyword: Theseus Category: Application |
This command installs Theseus 4, the memory analysis tool from IBM. The installation is unattended. An icon for Theseus is created.
Keyword: Vyperhelp Website: www.os2world.com Category: Application |
This command installs VyperHelp. The installation is unattended. The Config.Sys is modified, so a reboot is required after the installation is complete.
Keyword: WDSibyl Website: www.wdsibyl.org Category: Extra Application |
This command installs the current version of the WDSibyl Compiler and IDE. WDSibyl requires registration and cannot be redistributed. Each user must download his own copy using his own userid.
WPS Toolkit 1.60
Keyword: wpstk Website: wpstk.netlabs.org Category: Application |
This command installs the WPS Toolkit and an updated reference manual.
OS/2 Developers Toolkit 4.52
Keyword: os2tk452 Category: Extra Application |
This command installs OS/2 Developers Toolkit 4.52. The toolkit can be found on the OS/2 CP or eCS CD-ROM. The installation is unattended. None of the classes are registered, and only the Information objects are created. A newer resource compiler (rc.exe) is included.
VisPro/REXX 3.1.1
Keyword: VisProRx Website: www.edm2.com Category: |
This command installs VisPro/REXX 3.1.1, by HockWare. David Hock has authorized that his OS/2 software became freeware. VisPro/REXX is a Visual Programming tool that is completely integrated with the Workplace Shell and offers multiple views, drag-drop interaction, popup menus, settings notebooks, direct editing, all CUA '91 features and supports the OS/2 Font and Color palettes. Installation is unattended by WarpIN.
Visual SlickEdit
Keyword: vslick Category: Application |
This command installs Visual SlickEdit v4.0, the final version for OS/2. SlickEdit is a programmer's editor. A registration key is included to install SlickEdit.
Maintenance folder
Keyword: maintfolder Category: Application |
This command creates Blonde Guy maintenance folder and copies some batch files used for system maintenance to the utility directory. The setup of command files depends on the drive labels: eComStation, Data, Maintenance and Programs.
Keyword: noscript Website: noscript.net Category: Application |
This command installs NoScript into Mozilla, Firefox, PmW-Fx, SeaMonkey and SeaMonkey2 web browsers. The NoScript Firefox extension provides extra protection for Firefox, Seamonkey and other mozilla-based browsers: this free, open source add-on allows JavaScript, Java, Flash and other plugins to be executed only by trusted web sites of your choice (e.g. your online bank).
Keyword: fpos Category: Application |
This command installs FPos, a WPS cleaning utility written by Rich Walsh. In addition to creating a program icon, the FPos program will be started. The user will be prompted to delete all Folder Position entries in the OS/2 ini file, which can cure the problem of icon drift. The install is unattended. The command creates a program object.
cdrtools2 2.01.01a04
Keyword: cdrtools2 Category: Application |
This command installs cdrtools2 2.01.01a04, a suite of command line programs for manipulating CD and DVD media. An ASPI router driver is installed, and Config.Sys is modified. If OS2AHCI.ADD is installed, the SCSI option /S is enabled.
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Copyright 2013 by Blonde Guy